Description: This feature class contains properties within Western Riverside County owned, managed or maintained by public agencies for the purposes of conservation. Additional reserve lands that contribute toward the MSHCP acreage goal of 153,000 acres of conservation, are depicted in an additonal data set called RCA MSHCP Conserved Lands. Together these two datasets represent a more complete portrayal of open space areas reserved for conservation.
Description: This data set of polygon features represents Stephen's Kangaroo Rat habitat within Riverside County. See attached documentation for habitat classification descriptions.
Description: Criteria Area Species Survey AreasSpecies of Concern Area ID:Area 1: Brodiaea filifolia, Atriplex serenana var.davidsonil, Atriplex parishii, Centromadia pungens ssp laevis, Erodium macrophyllum, Lasthenia glabrata var.coulter, Myosurus minimusArea 2: Atriplex coronata var. natatior, Atriplex parishii, Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii, Brodiaea filifolia, Erodium macrophyllum, Centromadia pengens ssp. laevis, Lasthenia glabrata var. coulteri, Myosurus minimusArea 3: Atriplex cononata var. natatior, Atriplex parishii, Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii, Brodiaea filifolia, Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis, Erodium macrophyllum, Lasthenia glabrata ssp. couteri, Myosurus minimus, Nama stenocarpumArea 3a (9): Atriplex coronata var. natatior, Atriplex parishii, Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii, Brodiaea filifolia, Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis, Erodium macrophyllum, Lasthenia glabrata ssp. couteri, Myosurus minimus, Nama stenocarpumArea 4: Atriples serenana var. davidsonii, Atriplex parishii, Brodiaea filifolia, Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis, Erodium macrophyllum, Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri, Myosurus minimusArea 5: Berberis nevinii, Ceanothus ophiochilus, Erodium macrophyllumArea 6: Berberis nevinii, Centromadkia pungens var. laevis, Erodium macrophyllumArea 7: Antriplex serenana var. davidsonii, Atriplex parishii, Erodium macrophyllum, Lasthenia glabrata var. couteri, Lepechinia cardiophylla, Navarretia prostrataArea 8: Lepechinia cardiophyllaNOTE: There was a slight discrepancy between the display of these codes in the database as compared to the adopted map. Area 3a as identified on the map is designated as area 9 in the database. This metadata reflects the codes displayed on the adopted map.NOTE: The County believes that these species reflect current information as described in the ERRATA to the MSHCP 8/9/2004, but has not formally received or accepted the data as a deliverabel.This layer was named WRC_SSA_CASPC, and was changed to current name on 02/27/2015.
Description: WMSHCP Mammal Species Survey AreasMammal Survey Areas by Species:Mammal Code 1 = Aguanga kangaroo rat and L.A. pocket mouseMammal Code 2 = L. A. pocket mouse onlyMammal Code 3 = San Bernardino kangaroo rat and L.A. pocket mouse
Description: MSHCP Narrow Endemic Plant Species Survey Areas (NEPSSA)These survey areas were identified based on the presence of select soils, existing occurrence data for Narrow Endemic Plant Species (UC Riverside database and CNDDB), personal communication with the USFWS and Fred Roberts. Select soils were digitized from 1971 Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey (Knecht 1971). SPECIES OF CONCERN AREA ID:AREA 1: Allium munzii, Ambrosia pumila, Dodecahema leptoceras, Dudleya multicaulisAREA 2: Allium munzii, Ambrosia pumila, Dudleya multicaulis, Orcuttia californica, Trichocoronis wrightii var wrightiiAREA 3: Navarretia fossalis, Orcuttia californica, Trichocoronis wrightii var wrightiiAREA 3a: Navarretia fossalis, Orcuttia californica, Trichocoronis wrightii var wrightiiAREA 4: Allium munzii, Orcuttia californicaAREA 5: Dodecahema leptocerasAREA 6: Arabis johnstonii, Calochortus palmeri var. munzii, Galium angustifolium ssp. jacinticumAREA 7: Phacelia stelllarisAREA 8: Allium marviniiAREA 9: Dudleya multicaulis, Satureja chandleri, Sibaropsis hammittii
Description: This is the boundary layer of the Mulit-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP). Western MSHCP boundary also used for Western MSHCP Open Space Fee Area. Per Ord. 810, Sec 8.Section 8. Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Fee Area Boundary. The boundary of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Fee Area is the same as the MSHCP boundary as set forth in that document entitled MSHCP Plan Area Map dated June 2003, which is on file with the Clerk of the Board.