Description: The PUBLIC_SITES data layer is used to identify the locations of Agricultural Commission, Animal Services, Assessor, Clerk, Recorder, Auditor, Board of Supervisors, Clerk of Board, Child Support Services, Cityhall, Community Health Agency, County Administration, County Counsel, District Attorney, DMV, EDA, Environment Health, Executive Office, Facilities Management, Fire Emergency Services, Fire Stations, Fleet Services, Flood Control, Hospitals, Human Resources, HR, Information Technology, IT, Library, Mental Health, Metrolink, Museum, Police, Probation, Public Defender, Public Social Services, Regional Parks, Registrar of Voters, Vote, Voting, Sheriff, Superior Court, Transportation and Land Management Agency, TLMA, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Veterans Services, and Waste Management.
Description: This data set of polygon feature represents Riverside County's Agriculture Preserves. Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. STATUS: "O" for Original or "A" for AmendmentAP_NAME: Ag Preserve nameAP_NUMBER: Numbered for a given area. Example: AP_Number 5 for Winchester represents the 5th preserve in that area.MAP_NUMBER: A unique number representing the establishment, deletion or enlargement of an agpreserveAP_FULL_NAME: Contains combined attributes from AP_NAME + AP_NUMBER + MAP_NUMBER.ADOPTED_DATE: Date of adoptionCROP_TYPE: Crop type for a particular agpreserveNONR_DATE: Date of issue for a non-renewalACTIVE: "Y"/"N" to signify if agpreserve is active or notAMENDMENT_NO: Recorded amendment number
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Data has been compiled from sources in Riverside County Planning.
Description: This data set of polygon features represents Riverside County's Incorporated City Boundaries. Topology has been run and all gaps and overlaps have been fixed. The data has been adjusted to match Riverside County Parcel Boundaries. The city name field is used to represent the citys' name. Every polygon that represents an incorporated city must have a city name. Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. Maintained by Adam Grim, 12/2020
Description: Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. CITYNAME: City nameANNEXATION: Annexation numberLAFCO_NUM: Local Area Formation Commission numberRECORDED_DATE: Date of recordation for annexationINST_NUM: Recorders office instrument numberCITY_FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standard city numberMaintained by Adam Grim: 12/2020
Description: Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. ANNEXATION:LAFCO_NUM: Local Area Formation Commission numberRECORDED_DATE: EmptyPROPOSED_CITY: Name of city to be annexed toACTION: Annexation
Description: This data set of polygon feature represents Riverside County's City Sphere of Influence. Areas that are affected by a neighboring City, but are not annexed to them. Topology has been run and all gaps and overlaps have been fixed. The data has been adjusted to match Riverside County Parcel Boundaries. Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. Maintained by Adam Grim: 12/2020
Description: Depicts areas in Riverside County desingated as Indian Lands, based on the Public Land Survey System to align with the Township, Range, and Sections as they are described. Data was downloaded from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) website, then clipped with Riverside County boundaries. Please note that some tribal lands go beyond Riverside County boundaries. Data was last confirmed on 10/1/2015 and processed by RCIT-GIS, Emily Lee.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Pacific Regional Office, RCIT-GIS
Description: The Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee is supposed to make up for the shortfall of funds necessary for the transportaton needs of communities in CVAG and WRCOG.
Description: The Subdivision Map Act requires that agencies imposing fees have a general drainage plan for the fee area, a special fund for the fees and an equitable distribution of the fees prior to implementation. Since the District does not have land use authority, it cannot implement drainage fees directly. The District must therefore request that the County and/or local cities adopt drainage fees within their jurisdictions for the District. The District generally agrees to create the special funds for the fees and to prepare an ADP. The ADP is a document specifically prepared for the County and cities to adopt. The Area Drainage Plan is essentially the Master Drainage Plan with additional language supporting the costs and distribution of the fee within the plan area. To ensure the equitable distribution of fees, the ADP/MDP boundaries are generally based on watersheds. The total costs of facilities within the watershed are first calculated. The watershed area is then adjusted to discount publicly owned lands and areas on steep slopes not likely to develop. Finally, the total facility cost is divided by the revised watershed area to determine a per acre fee for the plan area. Due to State Law, the collection of drainage fees varies depending on the type of development. Developments falling under the Subdivision Map Act (those requiring a division of lands) pay fees on a per acre basis. Developments falling outside of the Subdivision Map Act (known as discretionary developments) can only be assessed fees based on their impacts to the watershed. The ADP Rules and Regulations state that these impacts can be related to the amount of impervious surface area that the development creates. Therefore, discretionary developments are charged not on a gross acreage basis, but on the total impervious acreage created by their development.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Credit for this material belongs solely to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.
Description: Established in 1982, Government Code Section 65570 mandates FMMP to biennially report on the conversion of farmland and grazing land, and to provide maps and data to local government and the public. FMMP 2016 Data
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: A citation for the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program on any map products, graphic media, or data analyses based on the data is appreciated.
Description: Minor water districts provide services to local communities and operate within the boundaries of larger "major" water districts. Data was spatially adjusted in 2020.Updated by:Mickey Zolezio 7/2015
Description: This data layer contains polygon features representing public parks of Riverside County. Included within the data are national forests and parks, county parks and preserves, city parks, and community parks. The data is collected from various government agencies such as the city governments, park and recreation districts, county and state governments, and US Forest Service. Spatial accuracy of parks is based of Riverside County parcels. Due to parcel shift, please perform spatial analysis with care.*Updated 08/22/2012 with parks from City of Riverside, Moreno Valley, and Riverside vicinity. P.KangPark name corrections and additional parks added 6/2014. Mickey Zolezio
Description: This data set of polygon features represents Riverside County's school districts. Layer was provided by Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE).Data was spatially adjusted in 2020.Last updated 2/2020
Description: The PUBLIC_SITES data layer is used to identify the locations of Agricultural Commission, Animal Services, Assessor, Clerk, Recorder, Auditor, Board of Supervisors, Clerk of Board, Child Support Services, Cityhall, Community Health Agency, County Administration, County Counsel, District Attorney, DMV, EDA, Environment Health, Executive Office, Facilities Management, Fire Emergency Services, Fire Stations, Fleet Services, Flood Control, Hospitals, Human Resources, HR, Information Technology, IT, Library, Mental Health, Metrolink, Museum, Police, Probation, Public Defender, Public Social Services, Regional Parks, Registrar of Voters, Vote, Voting, Sheriff, Superior Court, Transportation and Land Management Agency, TLMA, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Veterans Services, and Waste Management.
Description: ZIP Code boundaries were developed from street delivery 5-digit ZIP Codes. These polygons identify areas where mail is delivered (from a city block or two to a whole rural town).ZIPCODE: Zip Code numberNAME: Community name, per USPS.
Description: MACs - Municipal Advisory Councils, and CCs - Community Councils, are established by the Board of Supervisors. They are bodies appointed by the Board to provide an extra avenue for communication from the affected communities back to the Board member who represents them, about issues of concern to them. Their boundaries come from the Supervisors who established them. Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. NAME: CAC/MAC nameTYPE: "MAC" = Municipal Advisory Councils, "CC" = Community CouncilMaintained by Mickey Zoleizo, 9/2015
Description: Data was spatially adjusted in 2020. CSA_NUMBER: The CSA numberNAME: Name of CSASUBZONE: Wine Country referenceST_LIGHTING: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"ST_SWEEPING: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"PARK_REC: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"FIRE_PROTECT: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"SEWER: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"WATER: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"TRASH: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"ROAD_MAINT: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"FLOOD_CTRL: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"POLICE: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"DRAINAGE_CTRL: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"LIBRARY: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"LANDSCAPING: "Y" or "N" to denote if CSA funds activity. Blank is an assumed "N"SPHERE_NUMBER: Not used
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Riverside County Planning, RCIT GIS
Description: This data set of polygon features represents Riverside County's Supervisorial districts. Created from using ESRI Redistricting Online 2.36 Application. The ESRI Redistricting Online 2.36 Application used Census and PL 94-171 data. Supervisorial district boundaries were adopted by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors on 12/14/2021 by Resolution No. 2021-215. a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside Establishing New Supervisorial Boundaries in Riverside County in Accordance with Redistricting Laws. All Districts. LINK TO RESOLUTION Districts 2, 4 and 5 become effective in January 2023.Districts 1 and 3 become effective in January 2025.Links to additional information on Redistricting: